Representative Project Descriptions:
- QES has extensive direct field experience in design, drilling, and construction of monitoring and production wells using a variety of drilling techniques including direct mud rotary, hollow-stem auger, air percussion, and reverse circulation air rotary dual-tube methods. She has also managed and performed groundwater and soil sample collection and characterization, and aquifer testing and analysis programs.
- QES served as oversight supervisor for USEPA, Region IX and the RWQCB Los Angeles Region, observing subcontractor field activities at several Operable Unit areas within the San Gabriel Valley Superfund site. Activities observed include drilling, construction, development, and sampling of deep (up to 900 feet below ground surface) monitoring wells and Westbay multiport monitoring systems.
- As Project Manager for a former Home Depot property in Thousand Oaks, QES characterized subsurface conditions at a site where ground water is impacted by chlorinated VOCs and petroleum hydrocarbons. Through upgradient off-site ground water monitoring, QES was able to show that chlorinated VOCs were likely the result of an upgradient off-site source, and thereby focus the remaining investigation on a hydrocarbon plume related to a former gasoline station on the property. A geophysical survey identified a potential on-site source. QES continues to provide oversight of ongoing characterization and remediation efforts, including an ozone sparging system.
- As Lead Hydrogeologist for the final phase of the OII Landfill Remedial Investigation, QES reviewed hydrostratigraphic and water quality data collected from over 100 wells and borings to refine the conceptual model of the complex hydrologic system that includes structurally deformed and faulted water bearing units. The interpretation included assessment of groundwater and soil vapor migration pathways and evidence of potential impact to offsite receptors. This information supported the risk assessment and feasibility study phases of the project.
- As Lead Hydrogeologist for the OII Landfill Feasibility Study, QES developed design alternatives to address leachate collection within the landfill, containment of leachate migrating outward from the perimeter of the landfill, and remediation of contaminated groundwater offsite. Design of alternatives was complicated by the complex hydrogeologic conditions existing in the vicinity, the range in types and characteristics of wastes, and geotechnical and hydrogeologic design constraints. The final remedial design alternatives included installation of barrier walls and collection wells at the perimeter of the landfill, and MNA or groundwater extraction in offsite regions.
- QES compared each alternative on the basis of technical efficiency, protection of human health and the environment, cost and other factors in accordance with the nine National Contingency Plan criteria. QES presented results of her detailed analyses, conceptual alternative design plans, and results of comparative analyses to the USEPA and major Potentially Responsible Parties.
- QES performed interim corrective action screening at a former perchloroethylene (PCE) recycling facility located within the Port of Los Angeles. The RCRA Facility Assessment (RFA) received commendation from the DTSC. The project scope included decision analysis of interim and long-term remediation strategies. An Interim Corrective Action Technical Memorandum was issued. Corrective Action technologies for dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) and dissolved phase contaminants were evaluated and included six-phase soil heating, barrier wall containment, funnel and gate technology, soil vapor extraction, multi-phase extraction, and MNA.